get locations of stills and video cameras, the api name, endpoint to collect the data, operation to apply |
/all/locations |
/all/locations |
[{location, lon, lat, api, endpoint, operation}] |
see placement of crosslines on an image from a video camera location |
/video/img?location={} |
/video/img?location=BLACKETT-BOOTS |
[image] |
get vehicle counts from a video camera (available locations Cowhill, RedheughBridge, ChillinghamCoast, ScotswoodRoad), updates every 5minutes |
/video/volume?location={}&from={}&to={} |
/video/volume?location=Cowhill&from=2024-12-19 03:10:34&to=2024-12-19 04:10:34 |
NaN |
get vehicle counts from a real-time or batch processed cameras, updates every 5minutes |
/video/volume?location={}&from={}&to={} |
/video/volumes?location=Cowhill&from=2024-12-19 03:10:34&to=2024-12-19 04:10:34 |
NaN |
get sum of object counts in stills from a still camera location on a day |
/stills/daily_counts?location={}&date={} |
/stills/daily_counts?location=NC_A167E1&date=2024-12-17 |
{'date': date,'location': location,'daily_counts: {class_label_1: count,class_label_2: count ...}} |
get object counts in stills from a still camera location between datetimes |
/stills/counts?location={}&from={}&to={} |
/stills/counts?location=NC_A167E1&from=2024-12-19 03:10:34 &to=2024-12-19 04:10:34 |
[{'location': location,'ts': datetime,'url': source_image_url,'counts'{class_label_1: count,class_label_2: count ...}} ...] |
get detection boxes from a still camera location between datetimes |
/stills/boxes?location={}&from={}&to={} |
/stills/boxes?location=GH_A167F1&from=2024-12-19 03:10:34 &to=2024-12-19 04:10:34 |
{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': {'vehicle_class': [[y1,x1,y2,x2,probability],[...],[...]],'url': 'http...'}} |
get cluster ids for stills camera images |
/stills/view?location={}&from={}&to={} |
/stills/view?location=CM_A69A1&from=2024-12-19 03:10:34 &to=2024-12-19 04:10:34 |
[{'camera': camera,'dt': datetime,'cluster': view_id,'url': image_url},...] |
get person tracks from a video camera location between datetimes |
/video/tracks?location={}&from={}&to={}' |
/video/tracks?location=EldonSquare-Mid&from=2024-12-19 03:10:34 &to=2024-12-19 04:10:34 |
[{'track': track,'dt': datetime,'class': class,'duration': duration, 'distance': distance, 'track_count': vertices, 'id': id},...] |
get vehicle headway from video camera (available locations Cowhill, RedheughBridge, ChillinghamCoast, ScotswoodRoad) aggregated to 5 mintes |
/rt_video/headway/get?location={}&from={}&to={} |
/rt_video/headway/get?location=Cowhill&from=2024-12-19 03:10:34&to=2024-12-19 04:10:34 |
[{'dir', direction away (up) or towards (down) the camera, 'dt' datetime, 'headway_agg': headway value, 'view': view name}] |